What is Lockerz.com?

From the official Lockerz.com Website:
Lockerz is the place to go to buy the coolest stuff at the lowest prices, watch exclusive video, discover new music, play the hottest games, hang out with your friends - and get rewarded for just about EVERYTHING you do on the site.
Our mission is to be your daily habit, not a site for your parents or grandparents looking for their long-lost friends from Kindergarten.
One other thing you'll love about Lockerz are PTZ (or "Pointz"). PTZ are Lockerz' proprietary loyalty "currency" that you earn whenever you buy, watch, play, share, invite friends, or even just show up on Lockerz. Redeem PTZ at the PTZ Place for incredible prizes, great products and dream experiences.
Too Good to Be True? Why are we doing this? To thank you for joining early. To build a Lockerz community of cool, stylish, cutting-edge people who love to buy great brands. To give you a taste of how PTZ will work when we go live this fall. And to test out different prizes and PTZ levels. That's key. This version of PTZ Place is a test. PTZ levels will change when the full Lockerz site launches.
Lockerz is set to launch sometime in the Fall 09. Members who sign up now will get to explore and help shape the site before the launch. We hope you'll join us.
About The Z-List

So, what is the Z-List, and why do I want to be on it?
The Z-List is basically a "club" for the members of Lockerz. Z-Listers receive a FREE t-shirt, just for becoming part of it, and they earn DOUBLE the PTZ for the same amount of work as a standard Lockerz member. Double the points means half the amount of time to get the stuff that you want.
How do I get on this "Z-List"?
Well, it's really not that difficult. You have 20 friends right? To be included on the Z-List, you have to be invited by a friend, and then send invitations [and hope that your invites join] to 20 people. Not only do you get the t-shirt after becoming a member, but just for referring those members, you get 40 PTZ and after that, you get DOUBLE the points for everything including invites, dailies and logins. It's a great VIP treatment for the VIP Lockerz members.
If you are already a member, start getting those invites out. If you aren't, send me a request for an invitation to Lockerz, and get started on your way to the Z-List.

If you are interested to join lockerz.com please ask for invitation by email to leviard [at] gmail [dot] com. Or simply put your email address and your message by clicking Contact button on top right of this blog. Please allow up to 12 hours since I send all invitation manually (not any scripts or bots involved) to prevent auto banned from lockerz.com
mas bro....kalo yg di lockerz itu cara tukar pointnya gmn?....apa org indonesia ada yag pernh dapat?....
BalasHapustukar point memang saat ini masih sangat susah bro... terutama untuk yg akses internetnya lambat... sama jam atau waktu redeem nya itu yg tidak menentu dan biasanya berpatokan pada waktu server mereka...
BalasHapustapi jangan takut, saat ini lockerz akan membuat waktu reedem yg ramah untuk member internasionalnya... dan rencananya akan ada 3 gelombang nanti... :)