Razer akan memberikan hadiah berupa Gaming Equipment kepada kamu2 semua dalam rangka tercapainya jumlah fan di facebook page mereka hingga 133.337 (sekarang bahkan telah mencapai lebih dari 200ribuan fans)

• Mouse Gaming pilihan pemenang
• Mouse Surface pilihan pemenang
• Keyboard Gaming pilihan pemenang
• A Razer Megalodon 7.1 Gaming Audio Headset
• A Razer Armadillo2 Mouse Cable Management System
• A Razer Attitude Tee
• A Razer Messenger Bag
• A Razer Gear Rack and last but far from least…
• A Razer L33t Pack

Ini sedikit kutipan dari situs Razer tersebut...
In celebration of Razer‘s 133,337 fans on Facebook, we are going to game-change someone‘s (possibly yours) gaming setup. We‘d like to think that it‘s something we‘d give back to our fans in appreciation for all the support, and what better than with all the very best that Razer has to offer. This sort of giveaway has never been done before. Not until today, and possibly not again for a very long time.
Until the 25th October 2010, one lucky fan will get to score the ultimate gaming suite powered by Razer - worth over US$500 - shipped right to your doorstep that will consist of Razer‘s suite of award winning gaming peripherals - A choice of your Professional Gaming Mouse, your ideal Professional Gaming Surface and Gaming Keyboard (just tell us which one you would like to have - it‘s yours), the Razer Megalodon 7.1 Gaming Audio Headset, Razer Armadillo2 Mouse Cable Management System, a Razer Attitude Tee, Razer Messenger Bag, Razer Gear Rack and a Razer l33t Pack.
We know. Call it complete overkill. Call it senseless. We just believe there‘s no replacement for being a major badass. We also have 1,337 prizes to giveaway just for people who take part in the MOAG*. Heck, even Chuck Norris would be proud.
If you‘re already feeling dizzy from reading, you can quit this page and leave. If you think you‘re worth a shot to be a part of this insanely massive pact - you can sign up below now. We honestly don‘t give a damn whether you‘re in Arizona, Zimbabwe or in the snowy hills of Tibet. Every gamer on this blue planet gets a fair shot and the complete details are available once you confirm your participation. For the brave - there are over 1,337 prizes to be scored, and for the truly Razer afflicted, the HardKore challenge awaits within.We are also giving away 1,337 Razer L33t Packs (some say it‘s the mother of all fan packs) randomly to every participant. The only catch to be eligible is that you need to get 10 of your friends to take part in this massive giveaway (trust us - they‘ll thank you for it) and you will be eligible to get randomly picked to win a Razer L33t pack the moment 28th October 2010 hits.
Caranya gampang banget bro...
- Klik disini. atau buka link berikut: http://l33t.razerzone.com/index.php?user_dtl=c0d1aa91dad6cb774a8348aaef0b15de
- Masukin email,nama (harus nama asli), dan negara
- Cek email untuk verifikasi email dan account , tunggu 10 menit atau cek folder spam
- Habis verifikasi bakal dapet email lagi untuk verifikasi ulang, supaya pas accountnya
- Verifikasi kedua, tar dikirimin page, dimana uda sukses verifikasi, like dulu Fbnya Razer
- Masukkin deh data diri dan alamat (ini sangat penting karena kalo menang,hadiah akan langsung dikirim ke alamat kamu!!)
- Udah?? Link yang diatas tadi dicopas, trus share ke temen2 kamu atau taruh di blog kamu...
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